O prodigious Wonder-Worker,

Fernando de Bouillon,

Anthony of Padua,

Restorer of pots,

Repeller of demons!

The poor’s Caretaker that,

Received the grace of the smiles and embraces of the Virgin!

In the rose of holy youth,

Religion charmed thy heart,

And off thee went!

To the Order of holy Augustine,

For rest and repose.

Yet due to the news,

Of those brown-robed Martyrs,

Of holy Francis,

Zeal consumed thee,

And the Order of St. Francis,

Embraced Thy Martyr’s heart.

But it was not meant to be,

For the good God had foreseen,

Great works, great things,

From thee,

Done in His Holy Name:

Preaching to fishes,

The prostrated mule before the God-King Divine,

Healing the Penitent Amputee,

Bilocating in defense of thy earthly father…

And lastly the Embracing of the Holy Child Jesus the King…

And the finding of spiritual and temporal things…

On earth and in Heaven.

O dear sweet Anthony,

The little theological Franciscan,

If thou sees this poem,

Give it to those who need to find it!



Happy Feast of Saint Anthony of Padua!